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This article will include advice on accessories for your new ac unit in Dallas TX. When you get a new air conditioning unit installed in your home, you cannot forget when you are looking over the estimates, that accessories may cost a little more but the potential savings may outweigh the initial cost.
Installing a new evaporator coil, or electric heater (Air handler) you are going to have a few options here to make your system perform better, and last longer with less potential damage to your home.
- Any appliance that makes water in your home ie air handlers or evaporator coils should have a secondary drain pan for attic units, and an inline float switch for all unit locations. This will help prevent any water damage in the future
- Your air handler or indoor electric heater should always come with a custom filter base to hold your filter you will be changing out every month. This should also be easy to use, the harder it is the less likely it is in the future that you will actually change it.
With reading this article you hopefully have a small bit of information that you did not have before that will help you in the future if you have to replace any equipment in your home. If you would like further information about this subject please visit our website at