Electronic Air Filters - Air Conditioning Company Plano
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This post will help you understand how to clean an electronic air filter, and a couple of do's and do not's to go along with it. Electronic air filters go on your air conditioning system for your home. Their can be a great deal of improvement in the indoor air quality with the proper use of an electronic air filter.
With all of the air conditioners on the market you would expect to see a filter on every unit. With that said some of the units will have an upgraded filter, it will be electronic. Electronic filters charge the dirt particles in the air with a positive charge and then once they pass over the negative charged plate are destroyed by a quick electronic zap.
The electronic filters on the market today for your new air conditioning system is going to have a pre-screen filter on it. This pre-screen filter needs to be cleaned at least once a year. Best thing to do it get your pre-screen twice a year and the rest of the filter assembly cleaned once a year. their are many types of electronic filters on the market and this post will go over the majority of those filters and how the different parts should be cleaned.
The pre-screen part of all of the electronic filters on your home air conditioning system should be cleaned with a garden hose, clean clean clean.
The parts that are mostly wire, most are very sharp and dont have a ton of surface area on them, should be cleaned with a dry paint brush. They should be dusted if you will, water is not needed for these parts of the filter.
The last part of your homes electronic air filter is going to have a ton of surface area and probably very dusty. This part of the filter is going to have to be cleaned very good with water from the hose. Now when you are done you have to shake all of the water you can out of it, then let it sit for thirty minutes. After it sits then you shake it again and you can let is sit for another ten minutes the hotter and more in the sun the filter is the faster it will dry. it is very important that the filter is all the way dry when you assemble it again, for more than one reason.
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